Murray Bealby  (Production)

Murray Bealby


HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Python | Django | Bootstrap | Postgres | AWS S3 | Heroku

This website was created using Django with Python. A slick, clear and intuitive website to showcase my web developing skills in a vast variety of projects.

The website allows changes to be made to the ‘About’ and ‘Portfolio’ pages using Django Admin so that updates can be made at any given opportunity easily and efficiently.

CRUD:  About | Portfolio

SEOCode ValidationClean CodeResponsive

Mockup - Murray Bealby
Mockup - Murray Bealby

This website was created using Django with Python. A slick, clear and intuitive website to showcase my web developing skills in a vast variety of projects.

The website allows changes to be made to the ‘About’ and ‘Portfolio’ pages using Django Admin so that updates can be made at any given opportunity easily and efficiently.

CRUD:  About | Portfolio


Code Validation

Clean Code
